Where is find Petro and diesel

Where is find Petro, diesel ?

        Petrol and diesel are the product of petroleum and the process of forming of petroleum to various biological and geological processes .

 The process of farming of petroleum. 

        Petroleum is formed from dead organisms that fall in the bottom of sea millions of years ago. These dead bodies got covered with layers of sand and clay. Lack of air, high temperature, and high pressure transformed these dead organisms into petroleum. Petroleum has more then 200 product. In this product petrol and diesel also includes.

Formation of petrol and diesel

         When the petroleum come out from sea it send in refinery to refine all product this is takes place in very large place .In this process
Many machine include for refining all product as like kerosene, petro,diesel, Sprite, grease mem etc.
In this process Petrol,  diesel formation happen.

Uses of petrol and diesel

        Petrol and diesel we use daily to daily life.
1- petrol is used in light vehicle 
2- diesel is used in heavy vehicle
3- petrol is used in many industries
4-diesel is used in constructed equipment 

Couses of petrol and diesel

Petrol and diesel  both are very harmful both are polluted to air but diesel is more harmful then a Petro actually we want to use CNG

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