MIR which is use in medicine

        MIR we always listen that word. Full form of mir is magnetic resonance imaging. It use in medical centre for analysis the image help in medical diagnosis.

How mir help in medical diagnosis?
       It's a divice using for forming a image of body part. It produce magnetic field inside the body and analysis the body part in monitor and
Doctor understand it  and it help in medical diagnosis.

Which part of body mir using?
       Mainly mir use in cheast, abdomen , and pelvis.  

Where is find Petro and diesel

Where is find Petro, diesel ?

        Petrol and diesel are the product of petroleum and the process of forming of petroleum to various biological and geological processes .

 The process of farming of petroleum. 

        Petroleum is formed from dead organisms that fall in the bottom of sea millions of years ago. These dead bodies got covered with layers of sand and clay. Lack of air, high temperature, and high pressure transformed these dead organisms into petroleum. Petroleum has more then 200 product. In this product petrol and diesel also includes.

Formation of petrol and diesel

         When the petroleum come out from sea it send in refinery to refine all product this is takes place in very large place .In this process
Many machine include for refining all product as like kerosene, petro,diesel, Sprite, grease mem etc.
In this process Petrol,  diesel formation happen.

Uses of petrol and diesel

        Petrol and diesel we use daily to daily life.
1- petrol is used in light vehicle 
2- diesel is used in heavy vehicle
3- petrol is used in many industries
4-diesel is used in constructed equipment 

Couses of petrol and diesel

Petrol and diesel  both are very harmful both are polluted to air but diesel is more harmful then a Petro actually we want to use CNG


The ancient iron .
               Hear we talk about a iron pillor which is built in Delhi in India.  In India many strange thing happen but hear we only talk about only a pillar 

Why the pillar is very popular?
          The pillar is popular because it was more then 1600 year ago and this in not very strange but it never be rusted  and still many scientist research  how to make it? 
Still scientist have no information 
It is biggest challenge to all over world of scientist.  
    Scientist think the ancient workers had developed  the process of preventing from rusting of iron  .
But the modern scientist not  know about how to prevent iron from rust  without any disturbance of  iron atom .
The modern scientist make iron ore to steel which is not rust but not  to iron
About iron piller
     The iron pillar is about 8m height and 6000kg  weight it is in India at Delhi near kutubminar.  

Why iron get rusted? 
      Iron is a metal and generally metal are oxidic in natural and the iron rect with water 
When iron react from water it get rusted 
But if we keep iron safe from water then why it get rusted  . This answer is in atmospheric 
Conside moister of water it react slowly with iron.

metal, non metal and alloys

Metal and non metal.
       We all known about some metal and non metal .if any bady ask from you how many metal exist in world ?
Before this question we will know about how many elements exist in world?
Answer is 118. 
But.beforè this you know that how many type of element ?
Answer is 3 type . If you think how 3 type happen then this question good.
The 3rd type of element is alloys . The alloys is a substance which is a homogeneous mixture of two or more metal ,metal and non metal.
The answer if the question how many metal and non metal exist in world is Metalis 91 and non metal is 17.

about on gold

We all known about of gold  but when we gone in shop of jewelry the shopkeeper told us rate of gold and we only think Gold are cheaper or expensive . This point shopkeeper make us great fool I come to on your problem that you should no see gold are expencive or cheaper you should see qualities of gold.

 How we see quality of gold ?
        When we go on jewelry shop first we see  shop are certified  or not. If shop is certified  that is good certified  shop always give you bill of gold when you buy gold.
On bill you see only about of how many carrot gold shopkeeper give you

What is carrot?
In India 22 carrot gold are sell . Pure gold are very soft this softness are reduce by adding another element  such as copper or silver .
Carrot of pure gold is 24 then for 2corrot we use silver or copper 

MIR which is use in medicine

        MIR we always listen that word. Full form of mir is magnetic resonance imaging. It use in medical centre for analysis the image help...